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FCC authenticate flow
发布时间:2010-06-18 10:07:15

1.  Accord with sex assertion: Product take charge of side (manufacturer or importer) will product at  FCC  Appoint de eligibility checkout agency to product proceed detection, make detection report, if product accord  FCC  Standard, then plus paste correspond to label on product, assertion about accord with  FCC in consumer’s user manual  Normative stipulation, and retain checkout report as be equipped with  FCC  Demand.

 2.  Apply  ID, first apply a  FRN, be used for fill in other form。If applicant is 0 once apply  FCC ID, then  Need apply a forever  Long sexual Grantee Code。At wait FCC ratify dispart give out applicant  Grantee Code  De meantime, applicant should grasp time will equipment proceed detection。Treat prepare good all  FCC  Request submit to de material and checkout report already finish time,  FCC  Should already ratify  Grantee Code。Applicant use this  Code, checkout report and request de material at net on finish FCC Form 731  Sum  Form 159. FCC  Receive  Form 159  And behind remittance, then start accept and hear a case authenticate de application. FCC  Accept and hear a case  ID  Apply de average time  Be 60  Day。Accept and hear a case end time,  FCC  Can will  FCC ID  De  Original Grant  Send to applicant。Applicant take then can sell or export correspond to product behind certificate.

亿博检测高级销售顾问certified engineer


刘巧联系方式:13686173586 座机:0755-27958201

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