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About FCC
发布时间:2010-06-18 10:06:30

About FCC

FCC  ( Federal Communications Commission ,  America’s federation communicate committee) in  1934  Year by  COMMUNICATIONACT  Establish, be America’s governmental a independent agency, direct to congress take charge of. FCC  Pass control radiobroadcast, television, telecorm, satellite and cable come coordinate domestic and international de communication。Involve America  50  Many a state, Colombia and America’s what be subordinate to one or under one’s command’s area, be ensure with life’s property’s relevant wireless and wire communicate product de safety,  FCC  De engineering technique ( Office of Engineering and Technology )  Take charge of committee de technology stand by, meanwhile take charge of equipment approve aspect de affairs。Many wirelesses apply to product, communicate product and number’s product want come into America market, all request  FCC  De approbation. FCC  Committee investigate and research product safety sexual each phase as seek come out settle problematic had better means, meanwhile  FCC  Too include radio apparatus, aircraft de checkout and so on. According to America’s federation’s communication’s law relative to part   (CFR 47  Part) in stipulate, ordinary come into American electron’s kind of product all need proceed electromagnetism consist with certification (some about clause’s especial stipulation de product except) ,thereinto compare common authenticate style have three kind of:  Certification ,  DoC ,  Verification 。This’ three kind oves products de authenticate style and procedure have compare big difference, different product can elective authenticate style at  FCC  In have relative stipulation。What it authenticate’s strict extent degression。Direct to this’ three kind oves certifications,  FCC  Committee to each’s laboratory too have relative request.
At present, America already continuous become our country the second big trade partnership in several, China-US’s trade volume submit year by year ascending trend, so to beauty export do not allow belittle。American product’s technique standard, import law de precise be called world 1, know America market enter’s rule will help our country product furthur open America market.
Federation’s communication’s committee   ( FCC )  - --- Administer import and use radio freguency device, include computer, fax machine, electron device, wireless receive and transmission equipment, radio remote control’s toy, telephone, pc and other maybe hurt human body’s safe product。Products if want export go America, had to by by government’s authorised laboratory according to  FCC  Technique standard come proceed de checkout and ratify。Importer and custom’s agent want declare each radio freguency device accord with  FCC  Standard, that be  FCC  Licence.

亿博检测高级销售顾问certified engineer


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