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当前位置:网站首页 > 认证问答 > FCC认证标准 >
发布时间:2013-07-15 16:10:54

标 准 设 备 类 型
FCC Part 15 计算机设备、无绳电话、接收器、卫星接收器、电视接口设备、低功率发射机Computing Devices, Cordless Telephones, Satellite Receivers, TV Interface Devices, Receivers, Low Power Transmitters
FCC Part 18 工业设备、科技设备和医疗设备,例如:微波、RF照明镇流器(ISM)Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Equipment, i.e. Microwave, RF Lighting Ballast (ISM)
FCC Part 22 移动电话Cellular Telephones
FCC Part 24 个人通信系统、包括得到许可的个人通信服务Personal Communications Systems, covers licensed personal communications services
FCC Part 68 无线电通讯、终端设备All Types of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment, i.e. Telephones ,modems,etc
FCC Part 74 实验性无线电接收装置、辅助广播、特殊广播和其它节目发送服务Experimental Radio, Auxiliary, Special Broadcast and other program distributional services
FCC Part 90 私人地面移动通信业务,包括页面调度设备和移动接收发射机(包括高功率的步谈机这类地面移动接收产品)Private Land Mobile Radio Services includes Paging Devices and Mobile Radio Transmitters, covers land mobile radio products such as high-powered walkie-talkies
FCC Part 95 小型收音机服务,包括频带(CB)传送器、无线电操纵玩具、以及家用无线电广播服务使用的设备Personal Radio Service, includes devices such as Citizens Band (CB) transmitters, radio-controlled (R/C) toys, and devices for utilization under the family radio service

亿博检测高级销售顾问certified engineer


刘巧联系方式:13686173586 座机:0755-27958201

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